3 CPS Lane Credits
45 ISBE PD Hours
45 Indiana PGPs
45 Texas CPEs
3 Graduate Credits from Andrews University
Outside of school, students live virtual lives that would astound their teachers and parents. They are active participants in social networking with “friends,” acquaintances and even strangers. Their online world is fraught with sexual predators and identity thieves. Many children are victimized by strangers or peers, and many victimize others. Some students are too trusting, and others don’t know where to draw the line in divulging personal information online. The perils of their lifestyles cannot be underestimated. Unfortunately, most of the adults in their lives are not nearly as tech-savvy as they are. This course goes beyond basic Internet safety and provides the teacher with a solid understanding of current use of technology by students, along with methods and resources for promoting safe and responsible use of technology.