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How it Works

Several days prior to the start of the course, participants receive an email with instructions for accessing the course. View this video for step-by-step instructions.

A week’s material is posted at the start of each week. Participants are expected to read content and review various resources, write replies/answer questions, share experiences, and engage in discussions with the course facilitator and other participants. Graduate courses additionally have a journaling component. None of the assignments are completed in "real-time;" you can work at the times that best suit your own schedule. Participants should expect to spend one hour per PD hour issued, and 45 hours for graduate courses over the duration of the course. This time is best spread out over the course of the week in several sittings to get the most benefit out of the class discussions. Grades are issued to participants seeking graduate courses; all other courses are run on a complete/incomplete basis.

The courses are not "canned" like some online courses. The facilitator is online daily responding to the participants, answering questions and engaging in discussions. The evaluations from participants have been very favorable, with many commenting on how much they enjoyed the opportunity to share ideas, experiences and strategies with teachers from other schools. Click here to learn about what past participants have said.