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7/27/25-8/16/25: Empowering Teachers to Help ELL Students Reach Their Full Potential

7/27/25-8/16/25: Empowering Teachers to Help ELL Students Reach Their Full Potential

Regular price
$ 390.00
Sale price
$ 390.00
Unit price

2 CPS Lane Credits
30 ISBE PD Hours

30 Indiana PGPs
30 Texas CPE Hours

This course will provide educators with the foundational knowledge they need to successfully teach English Language Learners in their classroom. High quality content will be presented through the teaching of current theories and strategies, while also providing information on the different types of English Language Learners. Schools desire teachers who strive to support ELL students to develop and grow. This course will equip teachers with practical strategies to make a difference in their students’ lives. Application of what is presented in this course will ensure English Language Learners reach their full potential in the classroom! This course is suitable for teachers of all grades and subjects.