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6/8/25-6/28/25:  Energize Your Class; Get Moving!

6/8/25-6/28/25: Energize Your Class; Get Moving!

Regular price
$ 390.00
Sale price
$ 390.00
Unit price

30 ISBE PD Hours
30 Indiana PGPs
30 Texas CPE Hours

21st Century students face academic demands never seen before. Gone are the days of walking home for lunch, a long recess and an afternoon nap; here to stay are longer school years, extended school days, and students sitting in their seats for longer periods of time. Children spend more of their free time in front of TV and video games. The research-based result is an overweight, sluggish population. Getting students up and moving helps not only their physical well-being, but it can also positively affect academic success!  You will learn how to make it happen in this course. We will begin with a look at current classrooms in the United States and how physical activity has been nearly eliminated and discuss how this negatively affects our students. We will then examine the many ways that movement and exercise can improve student well-being and result in academic success. The movement needs of students with learning disorders or attention difficulties will also be addressed. Participants will learn how to provide effective movement breaks using technology resources, yoga and short exercise in just a few minutes a day. Don’t miss this fun and fast-moving course to help you and your students start out on the right foot this year!   This course is suitable for teachers of all grade levels.