2 CPS Lane Credits
30 ISBE PD Hours
30 Indiana PGPs
30 Texas CPE Hours
Participants will learn to gradually implement new methods that promise not only to elevate engagement but also to enrich the depth of thinking within the math class. In this journey, the conventional lecture style takes a backseat, collaborative student work takes over. Our aim is to cultivate heightened engagement, fostering meaningful and productive discussions that stimulate critical thinking among our students. Through subtle yet impactful adjustments to our current practices and materials, we can boost positive changes in the classroom dynamic. The exploration will include group formats, learning tasks, environments, lesson structures, teacher feedback, and methods for assessing understanding. Our ultimate objective is to inspire minor modifications and additions to existing methodologies. Participants are encouraged to actively contribute to this collective learning experience by sharing their ideas and materials. This workshop is suitable for all teachers seeking to enhance the dynamics of their math classrooms and improve student engagement and achievement. Suitable for grades 3-12.